Currently, I’m working at Height — focusing on collaboration & task managment.
On the side I’m working on Kip , a score-keeping app for iOS.
I like to capture the world around me through photos
Raceday ∙ 2022

I started training for my first half-marathon in 2021 and I couldn’t find the ideal training app. The default Workout app on my Apple Watch worked pretty well, but creating structured workouts wasn’t straightforward. Garmin & Nike were offering some compelling tools but ultimately they didn't work for me.

The initial idea was to build an Apple Watch only app, which lets you manage your training plan & preview upcoming runs. Focusing on the watch experience was also a way to set strong constraints and optimize the interface for the device you’re running with. Ultimately, having a companion app on the phone made a lot of sense — especially when choosing your training plan, an important action that requires high density information.

Workout experience
The workout experience is optimized for zone training and helps you achieve your goals by putting the emphasis on staying in the right heart rate zone during your run. Your current heart rate is highlighted and a gauge indicates the range of the current zone.
The upcoming zone is also visible with a countdown, to help you ease the transition between zones.

Customizable heart rate zones
Heart rate zones play an important role in determining the various thresholds to achieve during runs. The Apple Watch computes these zones based on your age. This formula is good at providing default values but is not realistic in some cases. To improve this, the app offers 2 different formulas based on your resting and maximum hear rates — as well as a manual mode where the user can specify the limits of each zones.